If you’ve just made the decision to hire a marketing firm to help you grow your business, you’re probably wondering what the next steps are. There are a lot of choices out there for companies looking to hire a good marketing firm, so it’s important to ask yourself a few questions before you start your search:
1. What kind of marketing would I prefer my agency do for me?
There are almost as many types of marketing agencies as there are businesses. In your search for firms, you’ll come across ones that work with more traditional mediums — TV, print ads, billboards, etc. You’ll also find firms that work mainly on the Internet, specializing in SEO, PPC and Web design. Think about where you’d like to get your customers from, and tailor your search to that goal.
2. Do I want a marketing agency that is targeted to my niche, or would an agency with a broader scope be better for my needs?
Some agencies provide services to only one or two niches, such as agencies that only work with dentists, or agencies that only work with lawyers. Other agencies accept clients from all backgrounds. Firms that only provide services to one industry often boast knowing more about that industry than firms that serve many different types of clients, but they also may attract less experienced candidates.
3. How much can I afford to spend?
This will help narrow your choices, as well. Some agencies require huge retainers, while others will be willing to work with you on a per-project basis or be satisfied with a much smaller retainer. When making this decision, be sure to factor in how much a new customer is worth to your company.
Once you’ve answered these questions, you can start your search for the perfect marketing agency. If you have more questions about what a marketing firm can do for your business, contact Fahrenheit Marketing today.