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Consumers Shopped till their Fingers Dropped

The prediction that mobile searches and sales would escalate during the 2011 holidays came true. According to IBM, in December 2011 these numbers were double what they were for the same period last year.
14.6 percent of all online sessions on a retailer’s site launched from a mobile device, compared to 5.6 percent during the 2010 holiday season. Sales from mobile devices reached 11 percent versus 5.5 percent for the same period a year before.
Apple’s iPhone and iPad ranked one and two for mobile device retail traffic with Android coming in third. But as we posted earlier this week, Android shot ahead of iOS in market share in December, and is catching up to Apple in users.
A Marin Software report showed paid search clicks from mobile devices and tablets doubled over the third quarter to 10 percent of all paid search ad clicks. The click through rate on tablets was also 38 percent higher than on desktops.
Consumers have fallen in love with mobile shopping. Most reports show these numbers are only going up. On Christmas Day activations from both iOS and Android devices came in at more than 6.8 million devices, up from the 1.5 million devices earlier in December.
This phenomenal growth should drive businesses to make sure their websites load quickly and correctly on their customer’s iOS or Android powered devices. For example, the maximum page size for a mobile page is only 20 kilobytes. Vital information must fit within those limits in a powerful, concise way.
If you missed out this holiday season because of a slow site, don’t let it happen in 2012. Contact Fahrenheit Marketing today. We can review your site and help you get more traffic in the upcoming year.