Offline Order Importer Support >
installation guide
1. Log in to your BigCommerce store and go to the “Apps” > “Marketplace” page on the sidebar. Click on the “BIGCOMMERCE.COM/APPS” button to open the BigCommerce App Marketplace.

2. Search the BigCommerce App Marketplace to find the Offline Order Importer app.

3. Click on “GET THIS APP” to begin installing the app.

4. Click on “Install” to install the app.

5. Click on “Confirm” to confirm the installation.

6. Enter your payment details into the app payment setup page to activate the app.

Fahrenheit Marketing has been providing custom app development solutions since 2008. We believe in our applications, and the value-adds they deliver for our clients. Have additional questions about The Offline Order Importer? Our Customer Support Portal gives you easy access to experts who can provide you with tailored solutions for your order upload needs.
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