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Five Resources To Help You Brainstorm Blog Topics

If you write blog posts for your company’s website, you’ve probably run across this scenario a time or two: You (finally) have the motivation to write a post, and you’ve (somehow) managed to carve out a block of your time to work on it, but you’re at a loss for what to write about.
It can be frustrating, but it’s a common problem for bloggers. Here are five tools Fahrenheit Marketing’s bloggers use to find topics for our clients:
Ubersuggest uses Google Suggest to give users a better idea of what people are searching for. You can use Ubersuggest to think more broadly of the topics surrounding your business. For instance, if you are a dermatologist, you could type in “How does my skin” and you’ll see that a lot of searches revolve around oily skin. Use that information to give direction to your blog post.
Google Adwords Keyword Tool
Like Ubersuggest, the Google Adwords Keyword Tool can give your post a little more direction. The tool can tell you how many monthly searches occur for terms that you might include in your blog.
If you’re not yet familiar with Quora, it’s time to get acquainted. Quora is an online question-and-answer community that allows you to search for topics related to your business and read questions asked by people around the world. For example, in the Skin Care and Dermatology section, you can find questions such as “What are some truly safe skin care brands and products?”
You can feel confident that if people are asking these questions on Quora, there are probably also people who search for these questions. Answer them on your blog and see your traffic increase.
Yahoo Answers
Yahoo Answers has been around for a while. Similar to Quora, it’s a question-and-answer site where you can find tons of new blog post ideas. Sure, you’ll probably find a few crazy questions, but if you can wade through the lunatics, you’re sure to find some interesting questions to answer.
Topsy is a great resource for finding current blog topics. The tool allows you to search social media and news sites to find what people are interested in right now. Weighing in on a current trend can help you earn traffic and readers.
At Fahrenheit Marketing, our team works diligently to create blog posts for our clients that turn clicks into customers. Contact Fahrenheit Marketing today for a free consultation.